STATION MOVED-Durand Beach Overview

Webster Park (Intermediate to Expert) There is a pier to sail past on your first tack. Bback wash from the break wall makes an uphaul nearly impossible on a windy day. Wind conditions: West is best; Northwest & North are onshore and tricky to make it out, and Northeast. This site should never be used on any South or Southwest directions. Grass rigging right off the parking lot is located 15 yards from the water.
Durand Beach (Beginner, Intermediate, & Expert) Half mile of beach both up & down wind from Grass rigging area located off the parking lot 40 yards from the water. Wind conditions: Northwest is best, West is gusty because of the cove, North, & Northeast. This site should never be used on any South or Southwest directions.
Irondequoit Bay Outlet (Intermediate & Expert) Limited parking & rigging. 70 yard walk to the water from rigging. 200 yard long pier east of launch. Northeast is about the only sailing direction possible from this site, due to the pier. This site should never be used on any South or Southwest directions.
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Sensor Notes
At the mouth of Irondequoit Bay, the WHL sensor at Durand Beach provides good onshore and sideshore readings. Offshore (southerly) readings appear higher than the actual conditions at Durand Beach, due to the meter's fetch across Irondequoit Bay or the venturi created by the steep banks of the Bay. To be on the safe side, compare southerly readings at Durand to those at Canandaigua and Seneca. If Durand reports strong southerlies while these sites on the Finger Lakes are dead, chances are the meter's fetch (or the venturi) is boosting the readings. Webster Park is the best spot for catching westerlies, whereas Durand Beach lies along a curve of the Ontario shoreline that shelters it from westerly blows. During westerlies, the reported gust at Durand is probably a good indicator of the conditions at Webster.