Alameda / Crown Beach Overview
Alert: Several SF Bay Spots Threatened! Take a look at these graphics.
Alameda's Crown Beach is a beach jewel unknown to most Bay Area sailors. It features a huge and long white sand beach facing the waterfront of San Francisco. Alameda sports a split personality: light to moderate summer winds versus huge spindrift covered rollers whipped by powerful southwest winter winds. Make no mistake about it during storms Alameda is a sail on the wild side as a 16 mile fetch, powerful winds, and shallow water work magic on the big rollers.
On most summer days, Alameda is a haven for beginners and intermediates who hone their skill in the generally light side-onshore winds. The 1-2 foot swells make this a less than perfect place for beginners who are uphauling. The side-onshore winds, weak current, and long beach downwind inspire confidence. The water is warmer than any site in the Bay except Larkspur. The water is shallow and at lower tides you will have to walk a distance to get into deep enough water to beach start.
Since Alameda is not in the main wind pathway, it rarely gets strong summer wind but it does get swell from the main bay. Still, there are some days when Alameda gets strong winds during the summer -- look for deep fog over San Francisco and reports of high wind at the Altamont Pass.
Alameda has it all when it comes to recreation: lawns, tennis, BBQs, restrooms, biking, golf nearby, basket ball, and a great beach for walking.
SAN LEANDRO MARINA - This is an additional frequented spot, located to the south of the Oakland Airport. San Leandro Marina has it's own local group of dedicated sailors who ply the waters Spring, Summer, Winter, and Fall...
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